Campus Broadcasts 06-22

showing 91 - 100, total 658
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Mr. Tam Interview - Words from Teacher and Students17:25 Mr. Tam Interview - Words from Teacher and Students

Mr. Tam Interview - Words from Teacher and Students

posted 2013-10-29
廣東話 | tagged Interview
(6 views this month)
In Memory of Mr. John Yeung3:30 In Memory of Mr. John Yeung

In Memory of Mr. John Yeung

posted 2011-01-27
廣東話 | tagged
(6 views this month)
Assembly - October 201324:54 Assembly - October 2013

Assembly of October 2013 (with commission of student leaders)

posted 2013-11-08
廣東話, English | tagged Assembly
(6 views this month)
Wah Yan College, Hong Kong Athletics Team #14:25 Wah Yan College, Hong Kong Athletics Team #1

Wah Yan College, Hong Kong Athletics Team #1

posted 2011-02-14
(6 views this month)
華仁劇社 《紙·禁城》幕後花絮1:11 華仁劇社 《紙·禁城》幕後花絮

華仁劇社 《紙·禁城》幕後花絮

posted 2016-03-08
canton | tagged Drama
(6 views this month)
Speech Day 2011-2012 - 7S21:39 Speech Day 2011-2012 - 7S2

Speech Day 2011-2012 - 7S2

posted 2012-11-29
English | tagged Speech Day
(6 views this month)
班際中文辯論比賽 —《 港華應否轉為直資學校》 2010-201160:43 班際中文辯論比賽 —《 港華應否轉為直資學校》 2010-2011

班際中文辯論比賽 —《 港華應否轉為直資學校》 2010-2011

posted 2011-01-01
Chinese | tagged Chinese Debate
(6 views this month)
WYHK 2013 Annual Concert Junior Choir - Carriers of the Light2:19 WYHK 2013 Annual Concert Junior Choir - Carriers of the Light

The Junior Choir was first established in 2005 mainly for participating in school functions and concerts This year, there are about 40members from Form 1 to 2 with beautiful treble voices Most of the students join Junior Choir because their voices have not started to change yet. The choir aims at encouraging and instilling singing techniques and bonding through competitions whilst trying different repertoire.

posted 2013-07-20
bilingual - 廣東話, English | tagged Annual Concert
(6 views this month)
Live at Wanchai Sports Ground - Wah Yan Cheering Team - 10:00am0:33 Live at Wanchai Sports Ground - Wah Yan Cheering Team - 10:00am

Wah Yan Cheering Team, Live at Wanchai Sports Ground,10:00 am.

posted 2013-03-01
English | tagged Athletics, Interschool, Sports
(6 views this month)
Overall Champion! - Inter-school Athletics Championship - Finals3:39 Overall Champion! - Inter-school Athletics Championship - Finals

Overall Champion! - Inter-school Athletics Championship - Finals

posted 2011-02-14
(6 views this month)