Campus Broadcasts 06-22

showing 71 - 80, total 658
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Representative Speech 2011-12 - Form 7S23:05 Representative Speech 2011-12 - Form 7S2

Representative Speech 2011-12 - Form 7S2

posted 2012-03-13
(7 views this month)
Yes! School Tour - 鄭欣宜4:38 Yes! School Tour - 鄭欣宜

Yes! School Tour - 鄭欣宜

posted 2011-02-15
廣東話 | tagged Music, Performance, School Tour
(7 views this month)
投票指引 —— 《做個不賭快樂人》行動0:48 投票指引 —— 《做個不賭快樂人》行動

投票指引 —— 《做個不賭快樂人》行動

posted 2011-03-02
廣東話 | tagged Promotion, Vote
(7 views this month)
Speech Day 2011-2012 - 6W2:14 Speech Day 2011-2012 - 6W

Speech Day 2011-2012 - 6W

posted 2012-11-29
English | tagged Speech Day
(7 views this month)
47th Student Association - Iznova interview6:42 47th Student Association - Iznova interview

An interview with the 47th Student Association - Iznova

posted 2013-10-23
English | tagged Student Association
(7 views this month)
Lenten Season Opening Ceremony30:17 Lenten Season Opening Ceremony

The arrival of the Lenten Season.

posted 2012-02-28
English | tagged Ceremony, Lenten, Opening
(7 views this month)
F.6 Student Farewell Speech 2019 - 6W1:26 F.6 Student Farewell Speech 2019 - 6W

F.6 Student Farewell Speech 2019 - 6W

posted 2019-03-01
English | tagged Assembly, Farewell Speeches
(7 views this month)
Wahyanites, Play Music with Passion!1:10 Wahyanites, Play Music with Passion!

The Wah Yan Symphony Orchestra has something to say - Feel the Music. Inspired by Music. We will shine. The best is the next to come. Who are we? We are Wahyanites!

posted 2012-03-18
廣東話 | tagged Music, Symphony Orchestra
(7 views this month)
A Visit to Nam Wan Tunnel3:29 A Visit to Nam Wan Tunnel

A Visit to Nam Wan Tunnel

posted 2009-11-19
廣東話 | tagged Nam Wan Tunnel, Transport, Visits
(7 views this month)
師生辯論賽 - Student Festival 2011-201246:05 師生辯論賽 - Student Festival 2011-2012


posted 2012-03-20
廣東話 | tagged Chinese Debate, Student Festival
(7 views this month)