Wah Yan Star Studio
Wah Yan Star Studio

Broadcast From Wah Yan to the World


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2011-12 施政報告特輯12:47 2011-12 施政報告特輯

行政長官曾蔭權發表了他任內最後一份的施政報告,Star Studio為大家作出了詳盡的報導。

posted 2011-10-13
廣東話 | tagged Policy Address
終極普通話 —— 睡覺?水餃?1:12 終極普通話 —— 睡覺?水餃?

終極普通話 —— 睡覺?水餃?

posted 2011-03-21
普通话 | tagged Putonghua
終極普通話 —— 我蠢?臥春?1:27 終極普通話 —— 我蠢?臥春?

終極普通話 —— 我蠢?臥春?

posted 2011-02-18
普通话 | tagged Putonghua
吃水果至in至「潮」 點可以冇你份?0:41 吃水果至in至「潮」 點可以冇你份?

吃水果至in至「潮」 點可以冇你份?

posted 2011-01-12
廣東話 | tagged Fruit Day, Promotion
Reporting on Dengue Fever (登革熱)3:27 Reporting on Dengue Fever (登革熱)

Dengue fever has become a hot topic among us recently. It is very important for us to know more about it so as to prevent it. Star Studio specially invites a student expert from Form 7 to introduce to us about it. Lets learn from him.

posted 2010-10-15
Star Studio Promotion0:33 Star Studio Promotion

Star Studio Promotion

posted 2010-10-04
廣東話 | tagged Promotion