We offer a holistic, liberating and transforming Catholic education within a learning community for students and staff to become progressively competent, committed, compassionate, spiritual, and ethically discerning persons with a universal heart contributing to the welfare and happiness of all, in particular the poor and the neglected.

Wah Yan College, Hong Kong
showing 1 - 10, total 605

Blessing cum Soft Opening of The Heritage Centre
posted 2022-12-26

2022-2023 Rising Stars Talent Showcase - highlights
posted 2022-11-09

2022-2023 Rising Stars Talent Showcase -真的愛你
posted 2022-11-09

2K (B) 組- 雷文迪 盧進謙 呂衍霆 潘映軒 王煜崴
posted 2022-06-12