Campus Broadcasts 06-22

showing 21 - 30, total 658
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Christmas Celebration 2013-201444:59 Christmas Celebration 2013-2014

Christmas Celebration 2013-2014

posted 2013-12-25
English, 廣東話 | tagged Christmas Celebration
(11 views this month)
2013 Talent Time Final - Wong Pak Lok - 伯樂4:53 2013 Talent Time Final - Wong Pak Lok - 伯樂

2013 Talent Time Final - Wong Pak Lok - 伯樂

posted 2013-10-28
bilingual - 廣東話, 普通话 | tagged Talent Time
(11 views this month)
1H班的神秘興趣1:56 1H班的神秘興趣

Do you want to know 1H like to play what?Check it out in the video!

posted 2017-04-07
廣東話 | tagged Form 1
(10 views this month)
Speech Day 2011-2012 - 6K1:58 Speech Day 2011-2012 - 6K

Speech Day 2011-2012 - 6K

posted 2012-11-29
English | tagged Speech Day
(10 views this month)
Commissioning of student leaders6:12 Commissioning of student leaders

Commissioning of student leaders

posted 2013-10-04
(10 views this month)
PTA Brotherhood Supporting Fund Fundraising Promotional Video0:56 PTA Brotherhood Supporting Fund Fundraising Promotional Video

PTA Brotherhood Supporting Fund Fundraising Promotional Video

posted 2018-02-27
bilingual - 廣東話, English | tagged Promotion
(10 views this month)
We. The Iznovians.2:51 We. The Iznovians.

Passionate, full with energy and enthusiastic, each of us have our unique characteristic, ability and potential. With the mutual hope of commencing glory for our dearest fellows, we assembled together to realize our dream.

posted 2013-06-05
English | tagged Promotion, Student Association
(10 views this month)
香港華仁書院中樂團表演9:59 香港華仁書院中樂團表演


posted 2007-03-06
廣東話 | tagged
(10 views this month)
Cross Country Preparation1:33 Cross Country Preparation

Cross Country Preparation

posted 2012-11-07
English | tagged Cross Country Team
(10 views this month)
Annual Athletics Meet Heats 2013-20140:58 Annual Athletics Meet Heats 2013-2014

Annual Athletics Meet Heats 2013-2014

posted 2013-10-29
English | tagged Sport
(10 views this month)